Shared SOLO Walk


Home >> Our services > Shared SOLO Dog Walking


A discounted service for neighbours or family members who are looking for both of their dogs to be walked together.


The price below is for each dog / customer



30 Mins


45 Mins


60 Mins


Are you & a nieghbor or family member both looking for a dog walker? Do your dogs both get on well together? If so then this is the perfect solution for you.


What's on offer?

We are fully insured & DBS checked, so you can be sure that your dog will be safe in our care. Our SOLO dog walks take place in the nearby area, whether that be a park, a nature reserve or the beach, we walk straight from your front door and aim to vary the walks as much as possible, so your dog continues to sniff new scents. I will of course send pup-dates and let you know how your dog is getting on. 


Will my dog be safe?

At Wagging Tails we are dog owners, we won't put your dog in danger, you can be sure that when walking your dog we will look after them, as though they are our own pets. After a walk, if your dog is wet they will be towel dried & if required we can feed your dog. Not only will your dog be safe but so will your home, as previously mentioned we are DBS checked and fully insured. No address details will be on the key and your key will be kept in a secure safe, when not being used.


Tell me more...

Should you both require a dog walker and are happy for your dogs to be walked together then i am happy to offer this service at a discounted rate (discounted prices shown above). Your family member / neighbour must live within a 10 minute walk from your home, however if there is a greater distance then this can also be arranged subject to a small price increase. For more information please get in touch.



"Miri has bonded well with Cameron and really enjoys her walks with him, her on lead walking is improving and i am confident she is in good hands."


Miri's Owner



Complete the form below & we will get in touch to discuss your requirements and book an appointment.